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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


A man and woman dance together, their faces filled with joy,, as pentacles sprinkle down around them' They have a good, strong home already and in the distance another ship is coming in, promising even more wealth. They not only have enough, they have more than enough.

This card represents a strong, secure foundation, usually based on family ties, whether a home or business. It also deals with legacies, received and given. You may either receive a legacy or small winnings to invest for the future. Or you may acquire a home or business of your own, creating security for you and your loved ones. Another possibility is investing in the community in some way through a scholarship fund or civic improvement. This card could play out several ways, but however it does, it'll be good, prosperous, and beneficial to you and your loved ones.

If reversed, this card forewarns of a legacy, investment, or financial security that is lost, possibly through the market, legal fees, or taxes. It can also mean an expected inheritance did not turn out as you'd hoped.

Use your intuition

  • There are two dogs near the couple, but no children. Why?
  • Who is that woman in white holding the bluetipped staff?

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